257.60 (a) Placement above Uppermost Aquifer
257.63 (a) Seismic Impact Zones
257.70 (e) and (f) Design and Construction Certification prior to and upon completion
257.71 (a) Documentation of liner type
257.72 (c) and (d) Design and Construction Certifications
257.73 (a)(2) and 257.74 (a)(2) The Initial and Periodic Hazard Potential Classification Assessments
257.73 (a)(3) and 257.74 (a)(3) Emergency Action Plan
257.73 (a)(3)(v) and 257.74 (a)(3)(i)(E) Local Emergency Responder’s Meetings and Exercises
257.73 (a)(3)(v) and 257.74 (a)(3)(v) Activations of Emergency Action Plan
257.73 (c) History of Construction
257.73 (d) and 257.74 (d) Initial and Periodic Structural Stability Assessments
257.73 (e) and 257.74 (e) Initial and Periodic Safety Factor Assessments
257.74 (c) Design and Construction Plans and Revisions
257.80 (b) CCR Fugitive Dust Control Plan
257.80 (c) Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
257.81 (c) Initial and Periodic Run-On and Run-Off Control System Plans
257.82 (c) Initial and Periodic Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
257.83 (b)(2) Annual Inspection of CCR Surface Impoundments
257.84 (b)(2) Annual Inspection of Existing and New CCR Landfills
257.90 (e) Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
257.94 (e)(3) Notification of Establishment of an Assessment Monitoring Program
257.96 (d) Completed Assessment of Corrective Measures
257.98 (e) Notification of Remedy Completion
257.100 (c)(1) Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure of the CCR Unit
257.100 (c)(2)(i)(ii) Annual Progress Reports of Closure Implementation
257.100 (c)(3) Notification of Closure Completion
257.102 (b)(1) Minor Modification Phase I Landfill Closure Plan
257.102 (b)(2) Written Closure Plan
257.102 (f)(iii) and 257.102 (f)(2)(i) Documentation Regarding Completion of Closure
257.102 (g) Notification of Intent to Close a CCR Unit
257.102 (h) Notification of Completion of Closure of a CCR Unit
257.102 (i) Notification Recording a Notation on the Deed
257.103 (c)(1) Notification of Intent to Comply with Alternative Closure Requirements
257.103 (c)(2) Annual Progress Reports Under the Alternative Closure Requirements
257.104 (d) Written Post-Closure Plan and Any Amendments of the Plan
257.104 (e) Notification of Completion of Post-Closure Care Period
257.102 (k)(2) Written Retrofit Plan
257.102 (k)(5) Notification of intent to initiate retrofit of a CCR unit
257.102 (k)(6) Notification of completion of retrofit activities
257.100 (f)(1) Legacy CCR Surface Impoundment Applicability Report